Friday, September 5, 2008

Willpower For Weight Loss by JB Pennant

If you are wondering whether you have the willpower to follow your dieting regime, the answer is, YES, you can have and will have the willpower to acheive your weight loss goals. Actually decicing to start losing weight is a hurdle in itself, as you are confronting a personal problem. Starting a diet might be easy, sticking to it can be a lot harder.

So how do you maxamise your willpower to lose weight. First, you must remmember more important than your willpower, will be the motivation of having a better figure and healthier lifestyle when your acheive your target weight. Having willpower isn't as simple as just saying no. Not everyone has the same level of control over our willpower, but this is not the case. If we had a strict upbringing, we may find it easier to keep a element of control in our lives. If our background was a bit more relaxed as a child, we may find it a struggle to accept restrictions placed upon us, even by ourselves. But that does not mean we cannot re-tune our bodies and brains to bolster our willpower.

Willpower can change depending on our feelings, hormones and emotions. If we are feeling low through emotions like rejection or hurt, we often look for certain foods for comfort. This again stems from our childhood. When children are feeling hurt they are often comforted by foods high in sugar or carbohydrate. Later in adulthood we look to the same types of food again for comfort when we are feeling low. Which is bad news if we are looking to lose weight. You can be prepared for when you do feel a bit peckish. Instead of going to the vending machine when you are at work, always carry a healthy food item, like fruit or a cereal bar, for you to snack on.

You can change the way you decide to treat yourself. You could go for the "food" treat, where the feelgood factor will be over all too soon only to be replaced by a guilt feeling. Or maximise your willpower and have the real treat of having a great slimmer figure when you resist temptation.

About the Author

Are you worried about your willpower, when it comes to dieting?.Have you struggled to stick to diets in the past. Strip That Fat! will give you healthy dieting advice, that is easy to follow dat after day.

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