Tuesday, September 2, 2008

How to Lose the Freshman Fifteen: 5 Things You Need to Know to Drop That College Weight by Scott K

1. Get more active. Being active is essential to weight loss, but as we get older, our lifestyles become less and less active. We also spend a lot of time sitting, such as in a class lecture, doing homework, browsing the internet at our computers, or watching TV. Try to get up once in a while and just be more active. You would be surprised how many extra calories you could burn everyday, for example, if you walked or biked to class instead of driving. If you live off campus and have to drive, try parking farther away. You will most likely have an easier time finding a spot, and you can get some exercise walking the distance to your building.

2. Consider weightlifting. Weight lifting is a great way to burn fat because it stimulates muscle growth. Because of this, your metabolism raises and you burn more calories, even when you are resting. If you have to take a health and wellness class (I did to fulfill my gen-ed requirements), I recommend taking a weight-training class. An alternative to straight out weight lifting is circuit training, which combines weight lifting with a fast-paced cardio workout. Since, circuit training can burn more calories and get your heart-rate higher than just using cardio machines like the treadmill; I highly recommend it as well.

3. What are you eating? Most College students eat out a lot, don't cook for themselves, and don't choose healthy foods when they eat in the caf. The caf does have plenty of healthy options, so make sure you are choosing them! Get yourself a diet plan that you can follow, and stick with it. This is one of the main keys of how to lose the Freshman 15.

4. Late night meals. Up late? I always was is school, and the caf isn't open. So what are you eating? Pizza? Subs? Burgers? You can really ruin a decent diet with this one meal, so pay attention to what you are ordering. Once again, try to stick to something that will be on your diet plan.

5. Make a plan and stick with it. If you could only have one idea on how to lose the Freshman fifteen, this should be it. The biggest reason people fail to lose weight is they don't have a solid plan that they can follow everyday.

I recommend checking out the Freshman Fifteen Challenge. I created this to be a resource for you on how to lose the Freshman fifteen. I go through other tips like these and I try to help you make a plan that you can stick with. I managed to keep the Freshman 15 off throughout my College years, and I know you can too. So, take the Freshman Fifteen Challenge, because you don't want to miss out on your chance to look your best!

About the Author

I am just an average guy trying to stay fit in an unfit America. I went to College and was able to avoid College freshman weight gain, and I want to help others do it too. That's why I created the Freshman 15 Challenge. Visit it today!

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