Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Be Careful of People Who Can Damage Your Weight Loss Program by Ricardo d Argence

A weight loss program is more successful when you have your friends and family support you in reaching your goal. Unfortunately, this idealistic mindset is almost impossible to achieve in this imperfect world. As with any improvement you try to make in your life, you can be sure there will be someone who will try to sabotage your weight loss program.

Don't let this dissuade you from your goals, rather, keep pressing on diligently until you attain your ultimate goal- not just a slimmer body, but a healthier you. Why it happens?

What is the cause of this? These people react to your success like this because they're afraid of loss after attaining an initial goal. If it is a spouse, he or she may feel threatened by your new look and that you will appear more attractive to others. They may experience discomfort with the loss of a friend, partaking of the excellent food they enjoyed or it could come from the feelings of jealousy if he or she is a brother or sister.

It has become clear that the sabotage of your weight-loss program by your so-called best friend, might have been done out of fear. Fear of losing you to a new and thinner group of friends. To see if they belong to this category of saboteurs, here are some clues.

1. Offer you Fattening Foods. There is a new trick to make you fall to their plans and become a victim of the weight loss saboteurs. Over time, they may shove you with your favorite food and offer something that used to be your personal cravings. Offer best regards and decline the offering.

2. Negative Comments. With remarks like these: You've never been able to lose weight, or, why bother, there's just more of you to love. These are just a few of the ways that these tricky characters utilize!

3. Catch you Doing Something Forbidden. Their main job seems to be watching you and waiting until you mess up on your diet and reprimanding you.

4. Constant Criticism. They many criticize all of your weight loss decisions, try to undermine your self-confidence or even tempt you into cheating by offering tasty treats they know you will have a hard time resisting.

By what means can one face these characters in one's life? They are the people dearest to you and you can't simply shove them aside. You know, of course, that it's best to simply disregard such remarks, and continue to commit to your weight loss plan. You can make some attempts to reassure them that things will not change and will be what it used to be in the past. What change is only your weight and lifestyle, do it for own health!

About the Author

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