Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Best Ways For Teens To Lose Weight by Ronald Brooks

Most teens today have little, if any patience. They have grown up in a world where they expect instant gratification. This is no difference when dealing with weight loss. Teens also want that rapid fix, the one that requires the least amount of change, and satisfies their needs. You will find that picking a weight loss program or diet plan for them to follow will be very tricky. There needs to be a balance between healthy weight loss and rapid weight loss. You and your teen should work together to find the plan that works for both of you.

The first solution is to look at their diet. Watching what they eat is an important component for teens to losing weight. You may need to talk to them about making healthier choices or get involved with selecting groceries and making food yourself. Other ways to cut unnecessary calories include: * Watching your drinks Too many sodas, juices and sports drinks can really add up. Replace them with water and you'll save plenty of calories. * Filling up on fruits and veggies Most fruits and vegetables are high in fiber and nutrients while low in calories. That means you'll fill up faster and eat less. Try having fruit as snacks or before meals to cut calories without feeling hungry. * Avoiding fast food There's nothing wrong with having an occasional burger and fries, but avoid having those types of foods every day. Make them a treat that you only have every now and then. * Avoiding mindless snacking Keep your snacks healthy by avoiding candy, cookies, and other tempting sweets. Also, pay attention to other reasons you may eat, like being bored, tired, or feeling blue.

Then transition your teen into a life style change by teaching then that you can burn more calories anytime you can get away from the TV or computer. The key for them is to: * Choose things they like. If you're not into team sports or outdoor activities, try workout videos or fitness video games, like Dance Revolution. * Make it a regular habit. Try setting aside time each day for exercise so it becomes a natural part of your routine. * Look for ways to move more. Make extra laps around the mall, walk to your friend's house, or turn on the radio and dance around your bedroom. Finding ways to move more will add up to burning calories and being healthy. * Get some help. If you want to exercise but don't know where to start, talk to your parents to figure out if you can join a gym, work with a trainer, or exercise with them on a daily basis. These are just a couple of things you can do to help teen lose weight. I suggest that after you see some quick weight loss you switch to a good weight loss plan and stick to it. If weight loss is something you are still struggling with, then I encourage you to not quit and to keep trying, because the solution may be just one more click away.

You Can Win At Weight Loss Want To Know How?

About the Author

I have three small children and found that the only thing I did was eat, sleep, and yell at them when they got in the way of the TV. This along with continual bouts of depression proved not to be a very pleasant way to live life, and definitely not how I wanted my kids to remember their father. So I decided that I was sick and tired of being unhappy and feeling bad all of the time. That is when I started on the long hard road to a healthier me.

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