Thursday, September 4, 2008

Bariatric Surgery Diet by Terry Lile

The idea that your stomach will be the size of your fist can be frightening and hard to believe. How will you eat? What exactly will you be required to eat? These questions are just a few concerns that many people face when they are looking at Bariatric procedures. Nevertheless, setting up your new eating plan is not as intimidating as you think.

While surgery ultimately creates a solution to your problem, you still have to address this issue before you go under the knife. The majority of doctors feel that it's important to learn correct eating habits beforehand, no matter how obese you may be. It is critical that you are eating healthy and beginning a new lifestyle, so that when you do come back a new person (physically), adjusting will be easier. For this reason, it is recommended that you consult a dietician before you undergo stomach stapling. Find out what will help you lose weight prior to the surgery and what you should be eating when you have completed the procedure.

Let's face it - most of us dread the days after any type of surgery. We have to be careful of what we eat and usually do not have the strength to eat more than a few bites. This procedure is no different - the first few weeks will consist of just liquids. Soup and cooked cereal are just a few examples of what you may be able to digest. As you slowly build up to the next several weeks, you will begin to introduce pureed foods. It becomes less limiting when your physician allows you to indulge in softer foods such as yogurt and eggs. Anything that is tender and easy to chew is a great start. It's imperative that you re-train your stomach, or you could do serious damage. Depending on your physician's orders, you may not be eating solid food for several months. Carbohydrates such as bread and pasta should be avoided. Instead, protein is key because it helps repair the damage that has been done. Try protein shakes or an exercise nutrition bar. Your body needs to absorb protein, especially in the beginning stages when you are not digesting solid food.

Bariatric surgery diets may sound restricting and often overwhelming, but with anything, it becomes second nature. New diet rituals will soon feel like old habits - such as eating small meals and taking daily vitamin supplements. No matter how difficult it may be, stay positive. Embrace the fact that you were able to have such a surgery - not everyone gets a second chance at

"To learn more about the different types of weight loss surgery, visit where you'll find this and more, including life after weight loss surgery."

About the Author

"To learn more about the different types of weight loss surgery, visit where you'll find this and more, including life after weight loss surgery."

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