Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Lose 15 Pounds Fast- 3 Tips To Lose 15 Pounds Fast by Tony Smith

In order to lose 15 pounds fast, there are a few things you need to know. What I've complied together are some tips that virtually no one talks about. However, I will say that in order to lose weight, you'll have to stay consistent on your efforts.

With that being said, I'm going to share with you some highly effective ways to lose 15 pounds fast.

Eat Frequently

You should eat frequently if you're trying to lose weight quickly. Alot of people think that skipping meals will allow them to lose weight. This is simply not true. You shouldn't starve yourself. So, make sure you eat every 2 hours.

Here's an example of a meal plan for you to follow. Let's say you wake up at 7 am every morning. You're meal should go like this:

  • 7:30 am- breakfast
  • 9:30 am- snack
  • 11:30 am (or 12 pm)- lunch
  • 2:00 pm- snack
  • 4:00 pm- snack
  • 6:00 pm- dinner
  • 8:00 pm- snack (if you feel like eating)

You can add a meal at 10:00 pm if you go to bed late or if you get hungry at night. Also, you don't have to stick strictly to this particular meal plan. If you have to wait 2 hours and 30 minutes to eat, that's ok. But don't go longer than 3 hours.


Make sure you stay active. It's important if you want to lose 15 pounds fast. You should exercise at least 3 times a week. If you're a member at a gym, you could do aerobics or cycling class. If you're don't have a gym membership, no biggie. You could walk, jog, or run around your neighborhood.

You could also do jumping jacks, push ups, sit ups or crunches, and standing squats.


Having a cheat meal is great. You should have a cheat meal once a week. For this meal, you can eat whatever you want. You deserve it! But make sure you only have 1 cheat meal a week.

These are the 3 tips that will help you lose 15 pounds fast. Stay consistent with these tips and you'll lose 15 pounds in no time.

About the Author

Want more tips on how to lose 15 pounds fast? Well, go to now for more information.

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